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Searcy's Official Chess Club

Constitution of the Searcy Knightlife Chess Club

Originally ratified August 29, 2002

Section (e) bylaws page amended 1/09/03

Article I - Name

The name of the organization shall be "Searcy Knightlife Chess Club".

Article II - Purpose and Mission

(a) To function as a not-for-profit entity in developing and encouraging interest in the game of chess

(b) To foster a spirit of good sportsmanship and social fellowship

Article III - Membership

(a) The club shall be open for membership to all individuals who support the purpose and mission of the club.

(b) Each member shall be entitled to participate in all club meetings, to hold office and to enjoy all other rights and privileges not mentioned above.

(c) Membership dues are not a club prerequisite. Club operational funds shall be obtained from donations and tournament entry fees.

(d) Members are encouraged to participate in ACA, ASCA, CAAS and USCF events. Some of these organizations may require payment of dues.

Article IV - Organization and Administration

(a) Ultimate authority in the club shall rest in the membership; such authority is exercised at periodic General Membership Meetings, to be held at least once per year.

(b) Between General Membership Meetings the business and activities of the club shall be governed by an Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be comprised of five members: four officers and one member-at-large. The officers shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer.

(c) All members of the Executive Board shall be elected by a vote of the general membership and serve terms of one year.

(d) Members of the Executive Board may not hold more than one board position at a time between elections.

(e) Candidates for the office of President shall have previously served one full term on the Executive Board, with exception to be made by the Executive Board.

(f) Duties:

President: Shall preside at business meetings, appoint all committees, be responsible for implementing the programs and policies of the membership and officially represent the club to outside organizations.

Vice-President: Shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and execute the duties of the President when the President is absent or unable to serve.

Secretary: Shall keep, archive and publish to all members the minutes of meetings, maintain a name and address list of members and carry on club correspondence.

Treasurer: Shall serve as custodian of club funds keeping such records as are required, give a financial report at every scheduled meeting, prepare a quarterly itemized financial statement with copies going to each officer of the club.

Member-at-large: Shall assist club officers and vote at meetings of the Executive Board.

(g) Any member of the Executive Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the full Executive Board.

(h) The accepted rule of one vote per member shall be the standard at Executive Board Meetings, General Membership Meetings and all committee meetings.

(i) Executive Board members leaving office for any reason shall turn over all official materials to their successors or the current president within two weeks.

Article V - Meetings

(a) The regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Board will be 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month, excepting major holidays.

(b) The Executive Board shall have the flexibility of scheduling its business meetings to any date and time necessary to meet the requirement of the quorum rule

(c) General membership meetings will be the first Thursday of September for the purpose of nomination and election of officers and other necessary business. If deemed appropriate, meetings of the general membership will be scheduled by the Executive Board when requested by any officer or active member.

(d) The rules contained in the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern meetings in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution, bylaws or any special rules of order of the Searcy Knightlife Chess Club.

Article VI - Amendments and Changes

(a) Amendments to the Constitution and bylaws shall be presented by members of the club in writing and read at any regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting but shall not be voted upon until the next regular or called meeting of the general membership. Between meetings all members shall be notified of the proposed changes. A majority vote with a quorum present is required for passage.

(b) Rescindable actions of the Executive Board may be overridden by a majority vote of the general membership with a quorum present.

Bylaws of the Searcy Knightlife Chess Club

The purpose of these Bylaws shall be to define specific policies governing the operation of the Searcy Knightlife Chess Club.

(a) The President may vote only to break a tie vote-count of the membership. The President may not vote to force a tie and thereby kill a motion.

(b) The President may entertain a motion from the floor but may not make a motion without first ceding the chair to the next highest officer.

(c) Expenditures from the club treasury must be approved by a quorum majority vote of the Executive Board.

(d) All expenditures shall require documentation before approval.

(e) Checks for expenditures must be signed by both the club Treasurer and President.

(f) Bank signature cards will be updated immediately following the election of new officers.

(g) A general membership quorum shall consist of nine (9) active members.

(h) An Executive Board quorum shall consist of four of the five elected members.

(i) Any new business shall be presented to the officers for review at least three days prior to a regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting unless the matter is of utmost importance.

(j) If the office of President becomes vacant between elections the Vice-President shall immediately succeed to that office. A successor to other vacated positions shall be by nomination and majority vote of the membership.

(k) Team Captains must be nominated and elected during a meeting of the general membership.

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